A writer writes

A young man made an appointment to meet with a well-known published writer. 

The first question the writer had for the young man was, “Why did you want to see me?” 

The young man replied, “Well, I am a writer too. I was hoping you could share with me the secrets for success.” 

The author ask a second question: “Well, what have you written?” 

The young man replied, “Nothing, at least nothing that I have finished.” 

“If you have not finished anything yet, at least tell me what you have been working on,” said the author. 

The young man answered, “Well I am in school, so right now I am not writing anything.” 

The author ask one final question: “So why do you call yourself a writer?”

A writer writes. A painter paints. A cook cooks. A teacher teaches. You can’t honestly call yourself something unless you are doing the work. 

The same thing is true for people calling themselves Christians. You shouldn’t call yourself a follower of Christ unless you are following Christ!  

When it comes to Christianity, there are too many people sitting on the sidelines doing nothing, though claiming to be playing the game. 

Innumerable people claim to be Christians, but when it comes down to it, what have they done to follow Christ? How has their life changed? What are they doing in service to Him? 

Jesus tell us, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow after me.” 

(Mark 8:34) Being a Christian is not a spectator sport So let us not merely claim to be followers of Christ--Let us show whose we are by the way we live.

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