THLN Shares Guidelines on Pet Safety During COVID-19

Animal expert Dr. Cate McManus shares advice for pet and non-pet owners alike.

AUSTIN, Texas – On Tuesday, May 5th, the Texas Humane Legislation Network (THLN) released information addressing many questions surrounding animal care during COVID-19. 

On behalf of THLN, animal expert Dr. Cate McManus highlighted a range of important tips about how to keep pets safe during COVID-19:

  • Have a COVID-19 family plan in place. If someone in your family does contract COVID-19, quarantine away from both pets and other family members. If you need support from a vet, check with your existing provider to see if they are providing telemedicine services for animals.
  • If you are going through financial hardship, check community resources to see if local outreach programs are donating pet food and supplies.
  • Continue keeping yourself and your pet at a safe distance from delivery drivers for the safety of everyone involved.

  • If you’re a pet owner and need to go to the hospital, animal control officers can come pick up your pet while wearing protective gear.

  • It is still safe to walk your dog outside, but maintain six feet from other dogs and their owners. Owners should avoid taking their dogs to places with large gatherings of people and other dogs, such as public dog parks. 

  • Keep your distance from wild animals and their offspring, such as rabbits and possums.

"This information is meant to give Texans clear guidance and peace of mind when caring for their animals," said Shelby Bobosky, Executive Director for THLN. "We hope that these tips will help empower Texans to enjoy the time at home with their pets rather than worrying about them."

If you'd like to learn more, you can view the full-length webinar on this topic, or set up an interview with a THLN expert by contacting Cara Gustafson at

To learn more about THLN please visit their website at

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