Wednesday Study Club sponsors Valentines for Veterans
Officers and members of the Rosebud Wednesday Study Club are coordinating a community project to deliver Valentines to the William R. Courtney Texas State Veterans Home. The Texas Veterans Land Board announced the initiative to share love with nearly 1,000 veterans who live in state operated nursing homes. The board’s goal is to show veterans that they are not forgotten during the coronavirus.
The WSC will provide a decorated box at the D Brown Library to deposit your Valentines. Bought or crafted Valentines are welcome. You are asked to write a short note and sign your card with first and/or last name. Please put a return address but do not seal the envelope. No postage is necessary. Deadline to bring your Valentines to the library is Tuesday, Feb. 9. Valentines will be collected and taken to the William R. Courtney Texas State Veterans Home for distribution on Feb. 14.
George P. Bush, Chairman of the Texas Veterans Land Board, stated that our goal is to ensure every veteran residing in our facilities receives some kind of love from their nearby communities this Valentine’s Day. He challenged every community across Texas to shower our veterans with love by sending cards. WSC President, Beth Allen, along with officers, thought this would be an excellent project for the Rosebud community. She has suggested that even children be included to make their own card. This could be a creative art project for children of all ages. She is encouraging our community to be supportive of this act of kindness for our veterans. Portions of this article were reprinted from “Special Valentine”, article from the Jan. 24, 2020, issue of Temple Daily Telegram.