Rosebud Lott ISD Superintendent Dr Steve Brownlee Released a statement:

As you all know, Governor Abbott has extended the school closure time throughout the State of Texas. Our students have already lost three weeks of classroom instruction after a week off for Spring Break. With this new Executive Order to protect the welfare of the entire community, our students are going to miss another four weeks of instruction. In response to this lost face-to-face instruction time, your RLISD teachers and administrative team are making the appropriate adjustments. As we begin this next phase of instruction, you will find much greater structure and guidance. One thing remaining the same, we will have academic packets for all students that can be picked up between 10:30 and 12:30 while we are passing out the free lunches. These packets will be good for one week at a time and will be updated with the new packet before the end of the week. Your teachers will be contacting you by Monday of next week. Each week, they are responsible for speaking with the parent/guardian of each student at least one time per week. Most teachers will be checking in with their kids on a daily basis to help them with any questions that they have about their school work.

All students in PK-2nd will have one assignment per week per subject that will be graded. All students in 3rd-12th grades will have 2 assignments per core subject that must be submitted for grading. Your teachers will also be checking in on you and are required to talk directly with the parent/guardian at least once per week. To help those students who prefer to do the lessons online, Mr. Dutcher, the RLISD Director of Technology, will be rolling out Chromebooks next week for High School students as needed. In addition, we are extending our Internet access here in Travis so that you can come sit in your car in the parking lot in front of the High School to do your online work. We hope to have this done by Monday.

Finally, you can follow the links below to access the Instructional Academic Plan that refers to your students' campus.

We are here each day to help if we can so do not feel you are alone. Remember, "Apart We Stand Together"!

RLES Learning Activities

RLMS Distance Learning Activities.

RLHS Distance Learning Activities.

The Rosebud News

251 Live Oak St
Marlin, TX 76661
Phone: (254) 883-2554
Fax:(254) 883-6553