AROUND TOWN (March 23, 2022)

Fish Fry Friday

Fish Fry Friday at Westphalia Parish Hall starting March 4 through April 8. Cost is $12 a plate for a big plate of fried fish, shrimp, slaw, fries and beans. Please observe the new traffic pattern when ordering. Lets all stay off the highway and stay safe. Knights of Columbus #13902 raffle tickets also available for cash prizes. $20 per ticket or 6 for $100. Available at the fish fry, Westphalia Tire & Battery or from any KC member Proceeds from the raffle will go to buy something for the new church. Drawing will be on April 8th.  Need not be present to win.


Cake Auction concert

Rosebud-Lott High School band invites everyone to a Cake Auction Concert on March 31 at 7 p.m. at the gym. On the same night two major awards will be presented to public by local Masonic Lodges. Enjoy the music and support the band.



An enchilada dinner benefit will be held for Margaret Padilla on March 25 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Lakeview Primera Iglesia Bautista, 404 FM 2308 in Marlin. Plates are $15 with three enchiladas, rice, beans and dessert. Venmo @Bethany_Baker84 for tickets.


Republican Party 


The Falls County Republican Party Convention will be held on March 26 at 5 p.m. at the United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 411 Coleman Street in Marlin. Precinct conventions at 5 p.m. County convention at 6 p.m. Join the process to establish the party platform. Become a delegate to the county and state convention. Come join in writing resolutions to go to the state, electing delegates to the county and state conventions, learn about the county leadership, and get involved in moving our state and county forward.


American Legion

Falls County American Legion Post 31 meets the second Monday of the month at 1 Mesquite Tree Lane at 6 p.m. Their phone number is (254) 883-5056.


Veterans Assistance

Caritas of Waco Inc. will be in Marlin every first and third Monday of the month as part of their Veterans Case Management Program: Assistance For Veterans/Outreach. This will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 365 Coleman St, Marlin. For more information, call (254) 832-5971. To make an appointment please call Jason McCarty at (254) 640-0906. Dates subject to change due to holidays etc.


Donations needed for park upgrades

The board of the Rosebud Parks and Recreation has been funding the THRIVE parks improvement plan for over six years through donations, so the Town Square Community Foundation created a GoFundMe to help finish out Phase One. Any funds donated will be used to help finish the creative play areas, fitness stations, and walking trail. Construction on the project has already begun and the campaign has raised over 75 percent of funds needed, but still needs help reaching the finish line. As of June 8, the campaign had a total of seven donations, totalling $670 of the $7,500 goal.

“Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me,” stated Matthew Wright, avid community advocate, on the donation page.

Phase Two and beyond look to add a splash pad and other playground equipment. By the end of it, the plan will see restoration of the last two Bow String Bridges in the State of Texas. To donate via the GoFundMe campaign, head to Contact Matthew Wright or Jamie Moeller for additional information.

The Rosebud News

251 Live Oak St
Marlin, TX 76661
Phone: (254) 883-2554
Fax:(254) 883-6553