AROUND TOWN (Nov. 16, 2022)
Winter coat drive
Faith, Hope and Charity will hold a Winter Coat & Clothes Give-Away on Saturday, Nov. 12, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at OLD Faith, Hope & Charity, 514 Quaid St. in Marlin. You can donate your slightly used, good condition, clean coats and clothes until Saturday, Nov. 5, to Faith, Hope & Charity.
Wild About
The Little River Basin Master Gardeners (Milam County) will host a free public event on Wednesday, Nov. 16, at 1:30 p.m. The topic presented by Master Gardener Marilyn Jekel will be “Wild About Wildscapes.” The program will be held at the First United Methodist Church Family Life Center, 112 North Travis in Cameron. Attendees will hear about these topics: What is wildscaping? How to create and maintain a wildscape. Ways to lure butterflies, hummingbirds, songbirds and other “wild things” to your backyard or other area (park, common greenspace, etc.). Benefits of wildscaping. Certifying with the National Wildlife Federation. Reaping the rewards.
Food For Families
Please help Central Texans with the products people need most: canned meats like tuna, chili, or chicken; canned vegetables, cereals, baby food, peanut butter, dry beans, rice, flour, sugar, corn meal, pasta and sauces. You can donate online at or on Nov. 18 at HEB in Marlin. All donations go to the community in the county collected in.
Westphalia Craft and Quilt Show
Westphalia Church of the Visitation Altar Society will hold a Quilt Show on Saturday, Nov. 19, at the parish hall from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Chicken spaghetti and chicken dressing casseroles for sale. Chicken spaghetti plates and sausage wraps available for lunch. Admission is $2.
Free Thanksgiving
Free Thanksgiving Dinner for the Elderly (Age 65 and older) will be held Nov. 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Faith, Hope & Charity, 405 E 1st Street, in Marlin. Sponsored by Fath, Hope & Charity: Concerned Citizens, Organization for Youth Inc., Salvation Army, Apple Sport Ford, HEB, Sam’s Club of Waco, Brookshire Brothers Robinson, First National Bank, Citizens State Bank, Bancorp South, Falls Community Hospital and Sonic. Deadline to reserve a dinner is Nov. 5. Contact Shirley King at (254) 804-0196 or (254) 644-0296 with name, address and phone number to get your dinner.
St. Paul Community Church is holding a quilt raffle to benefit the restoration of their historic church building. Tickets are $2 each or three for $5, and can be purchased at Sharon’s Hair Styles in Marlin or by calling (254) 405-2422. Winners will be announced on Dec. 4, and ticket holders need not be present to win.
Cameron Christmas parade
The 2022 Cameron Chamber of Commerce Christmas Parade will be held on Dec. 1 in downtown Cameron. Theme will be Musical Notes and Holiday Floats. Contact the Chamber to register today.
Marlin COVID-19 3K Walk
Marlin Juneteenth Organization presents Marlin COVID-19 3K Walk on Dec. 3 at Marlin Courthouse. Registration prior to the event $25. Please use Cash App SJune19marlin or (254) 447-5678. COVID-19 3K Packet Pick-up will be available on the day of the event to participants who have pre-registered and paid. T-shirts will also be available at a reduced price, age 16 and under. Dec. 3 from 7-8 a.m. at Courthouse, 100 E. Live Oak in Marlin. Register online at
Christmas Parade
Marlin Chamber of Commerce Christmas Parade will be held on Dec. 8 at 6:30 p.m. Vendor’s Market at the Chamber office, 245 Coleman Street from 5-8 p.m. Battle of the Bands & Drumlines from Marlin, Chilton and Hearne. Chili fundraiser at 11 a.m. until sold out - chili, fritos and dessert for $10. For more information, call (254) 803-3301 or (254) 424-1177.
American Legion
Falls County American Legion Post 31 meets the second Monday of the month at 1 Mesquite Tree Lane at 6 p.m. Their phone number is (254) 883-5056.
Veterans Assistance
Caritas of Waco Inc. will be in Marlin every first and third Monday of the month as part of their Veterans Case Management Program: Assistance For Veterans/Outreach. This will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 365 Coleman St, Marlin. For more information, call (254) 832-5971. To make an appointment please call Jason McCarty at (254) 640-0906. Dates subject to change due to holidays etc.
Donations needed for park upgrades
The board of the Rosebud Parks and Recreation has been funding the THRIVE parks improvement plan for over six years through donations, so the Town Square Community Foundation created a GoFundMe to help finish out Phase One. Any funds donated will be used to help finish the creative play areas, fitness stations, and walking trail. Construction on the project has already begun and the campaign has raised over 75 percent of funds needed, but still needs help reaching the finish line. As of June 8, the campaign had a total of seven donations, totalling $670 of the $7,500 goal.
“Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me,” stated Matthew Wright, avid community advocate, on the donation page.
Phase Two and beyond look to add a splash pad and other playground equipment. By the end of it, the plan will see restoration of the last two Bow String Bridges in the State of Texas. To donate via the GoFundMe campaign, head to Contact Matthew Wright or Jamie Moeller for additional information.