Falls County Commissioners lift county burn ban

The Falls County Commissioners Court held a Special Agenda meeting at the County Courthouse in Marlin on Monday, March 7. County Judge Jay Elliott presiding. Present were Commissioners Milton Albright (Pct. 1), F.A. Green (Pct. 2), and Nita Wuebker (Pct. 4). Jason Willberg (Pct. 3) was not in attendance. 

The Commissioners agreed to continue with lifting the burn ban but advised citizens to continue to practice safety when burning. Commissioner Albright moved to accept the new contract with Southern Health Partners, healthcare for the Sheriff’s Office and Detention Center staff; the motion carried.

Thirteen packets were presented concerning the American Rescue Plan for Non-Profit organizations. Jerri Gauntt, ARP Project Manager, will post applications and deadlines on the Falls County website. Copies will also be available at the office of the Falls County Judge. Scoresheets may be utilized to determine award status for non-profit organizations. Allowable uses of the funds include supporting public health expenditures, responding to negative economic impact, premium pay for essential workers, revenue loss and investments in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure. Jeff Jackson, Road and Bridge Administrator, reported the department is excited about working with engineers as they prepare to repair and build identified bridges under the American Rescue Plan projects.

After determining there were no bills submitted for payment and all agenda items were discussed, Judge Elliot moved to adjourn the meeting.










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