Falls County Commissioners recognize 4-H students

The Falls County Commissioners Court met at the County Courthouse on Monday, April  8, with County Judge Jay Elliott presiding. Commissioners present were Milton Albright (Pct. 1), F.A. Green (Pct. 2), and Nita Wuebker (Pct. 4). Jason Willberg (Pct. 3) was not in attendance. Assistant District Attorney Steve Sharp was present

The Commissions congratulated Falls County 4-H accomplishments of Georgia Tusa and Cayson Newell, who participated in the San Antonio Livestock Show. Georgia was awarded the Grand Champion Junior Market Steer and Cayson was awarded Grand Champion Market Goat. Both were awarded $10,000 scholarships.

In meeting the water supply needs of Falls County, the Commissioners reviewed from the March 25 meeting and approved to hire an experienced engineering firm to create a comprehensive water guide. Its responsibilities would involve completion of the WaterSMART application consisting of two grants, managing monthly Water Resources meetings and compiling requests from those meetings. Supported by US Congressman Pete Sessions, if received, would better position Falls County to access Proposition 6 funds that will be going into the Texas Water fund and with Texas Water Development Board (TDB) when applying for grants.

In other matters, Commissioners approved the renewal of the Falls County Investment Policy and resolutions which assures funds and investments of those funds will be handled at its highest public trust and highest investment returns. County Treasurer, Sheryl Pringle, recommended the renewal for six to nine months two matured Certificate of Deposits, invest six to nine months Pilot Program revenue received, and excess Sales Tax revenue for six months. Recommendations were approved. 

Commissioners also approved establishing an office in the Falls County Annex Building for the Advocacy Center for Crime Victims & Children. This will make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in the community and safety including forensic interviews, team meetings, counseling and prevention programs.

It was announced that Guardian Security Solutions, LC will install a surveillance system to the newly acquired Chilton Annex. Training will be provided to staff at the conclusion of the project with refresher training available. Action concerning SB22, (DA, Sheriff & Constable) was discussed.  Commissioners agreed to wait for clarification on how to use funds received for salaries. 

Commissioner Green moved to approve the payments of all bills, budget amendments, reimbursements, and transfers. Seconded by Commissioner Albright, the motion was carried. Commissioners moved to approval the minutes of prior meeting of the court; motion was carried.  After all agenda items were discussed, Judge Elliott adjourned the meeting.







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