Rosebud Reunion
Fri, 08/16/2024 - 8:03am
The Rosebud-Lott High School 50+ Reunion was held on Aug. 3. This was the Second Annual Reunion of “The Original Cougars” Classes of 1971, 1972, 1973 and 1974. The meal was catered by The Chicken Place of Marlin. At top, the Class of 1974 was honored for their 50th Reunion. A huge thank you to everyone that has helped with meetings, searched for addresses of former classmates and helped with all that was needed, including monetary donations, setup and decorating for the Second Annual RLHS Reunion 50+. The Third Annual RLHS Reunion 50+ is planned for Aug. 2, 2025.
MARK PELZEL/The Rosebud News