Defend our freedoms by casting your vote

I may not agree with his politics, but President Obama got it right when he said, “Defending our freedoms is not only our military’s job, because each of us must do our part to help defend our freedoms by doing our best to protect our God-given rights which includes one of the most fundamental rights of a democracy: the right to vote!”  

Have you given any thought to the direction that you want our country to take? Well of course you have, and I expect that most of you see our country struggling to keep its identity. We, the people, can make a difference, but we must band together as we strive to do what is right and best for the United States of America. Exercise your right to vote! 

Now, you folks may not believe this tale, but I saw it with my own eyes. My young bride Stella and I were on the back porch for our morning coffee and prayer time when the birds began to squabble and fuss. So, we got to looking and trying to see why they were so bent out of shape with one another. They were a fluttering and darting and squawking something fierce. There was a male and a female Cardinal, as well as, a juvenile Cardinal, two Chick-a-Dees, a passel of Sparrows, two Mockingbirds, and maybe some others. They were making quite a commotion and it was hard to see just who all was in this squabble. 

We saw a nest about twenty foot up in the tree and thought maybe some young hatchlings were leaving the nest. Then, about four feet below the nest… I saw the snake. Well, it doesn’t take an’ ol’ experienced coffee drinker long to put two and two together and realize that those birds were joining together to fight a common danger. And they talked that wayward snake out of coming to that nest too, because he was making a strong effort to leave that tree and escape the hassle those birds were giving him. 

No, those birds did not vote, but the bird community came together to protect their own. And, as soon as that snake left, those birds quit their squawking and went on about their business! There have been countless times down through history when similar situations brought people, tribes, communities, and countries together to protect their homes and families from some kind of danger. 

This November, at election time, we as a country have an opportunity to help shape our destiny by exercising our God-given right to vote as we cast our ballot. This vote will have long-range impact on our nation and our independence. My prayer is that America remains a free and strong and Christian country! So, Get ‘er Done!


They Said It Couldn’t Be Done!


They said it couldn’t be done!

But it sure needed to be,

So, they set out to work as one

And soon gained the victory. 


What does this show each of us?

Is this the way we will fight?

With no fanfare an’ no fuss,

work together to make it right?


There have been a lot of times,

Back down through our history,

When things weren’t in their prime.

But folks just wouldn’t let it be!


Now when dark storm clouds build

An’ the future sure looks dim

When one’s faith is slowly chilled

‘Til their outlook is very grim.


This one tries to go this way,

That one would go another.

Some will claim its doomsday,

weak of heart want to defer.


So, will chaos soon take charge,

An’ danger spread oe’r the land?

Folks’ll run out upon the marge

An’ stick their heads in the sand.


But stout of heart stand their ground.

Leadership steps to the front.

They form a plan that is sound,

An’ rally the folks for the hunt.


This is just how it does work,

Here in our land of the free.

True leaders will never shirk

A chance to shape our destiny.


So, let’s keep an attitude

That always says, “we can do!”

Folks must have the fortitude

To step up an’ see it through.


Have the strength to stay ahead,

Never be one to say quit.

My sweet Mama always said,

“Can’t never cooked a biscuit!”


Always seek the Lord’s advice,

Ask for guidance for your way.

You’ll sure find that will suffice

An’ always strengthen your day.


They said it couldn’t be done!

But it shore needed to be,

So, they set out to work as one,

And soon gained the victory.

©  Ol’ Jim Cathey


Remember, it is our God given right to vote.

My Ol’ Daddy always said,” You can break one stick easy enough by just snappin’ it acrost yore knee but doin’ that to a bundle of sticks at the same time is pert near impossible!”                                                                  

God bless each of you and God Bless America!


The Rosebud News

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