Do you expect God to work in your time zone?

We are all aware that across the United States there are different time zones. The zones are known as E.S.T., C.S.T., M.S.T., P.S.T.. 

But we may be guilty of failing to consider the most important time zone of all. It’s called, G.S.T. Oh! You say that you have never heard of that time zone? 

Well, it stands for “God’s Sovereign Time.” Failure to consider this “time zone” has caused many crises of faith for may people.

Zechariah and Elizabeth wanted a child in their youth. Their prayers were answered, not according to their time, but according to God’s Sovereign Time. Mary and Martha wanted Jesus to heal their brother, Lazarus and He did. 

But not according to their time, but according to God’s Sovereign Time. And then there is your story. For what have you been praying? Before you get disappointed with God, please take the time zone into account. 

Are you expecting God to work in your time zone. That’s fine if you are, but while you await the answer to your prayer, make sure that you allow God to work in His time. (G.S.T.)

The Rosebud News

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