Five loaves and two fish

Many years ago there was an old man that was traveling by train in France. 

A young man was sitting next to the older gentleman when he took out his Bible and began to read. 

After a while the young man asked, “What are you reading?” 

The man replied, “I am reading the 6th chapter of Mark.” 

The young man inquired about its content. 

The man responded, “It’s about how a multitude of people followed Jesus and they became hungry and with only 5 barley loaves and 2 fish, Jesus fed the crowd of 5,000 people. When the people were all fed, the leftovers filled 12 baskets.” 

The young man asked, “Do you really believe that?” “Yes I do” was the man’s reply. The young man said, “You have been brainwashed. I am a scientist. Everything that happens in this world can be accounted for scientifically, but I cannot expect you to understand that.” 

At this point, the train began to slow down. “Here is my station,” said the young man. “It has been nice talking to you. I’m sorry but I did not get your name.” 

The old man handed him his card bearing his name, Louis Pasteur, one of the greatest scientists this world has ever known.

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