Happy New Year
It is hard to believe that a New Year is here once again. But why do we always say Happy New Year?
We know that if we get to live another year on this earth there will be, just like every other year, pain and disappointments.
Job tells us in Job 14:1, “Man that is born of women is of few days and full of trouble.”
Every year we see people get sick, people get hurt and many people die. Many times we stand back and ask the queation, WHY? Why do we look forward to something new?
The answer of course is our life as a Christian and our hope for an eternity in heaven. There is nothing more hopeful than being in Christ.
Nothing should bring us more joy and hope for a brighter day than being in Christ. That is the New Year message we should be asking and letting others recieve. Yes, the new year will bring disappointments and sorrows, but being in Christ trumps everything else.
Being a Christian and a life in Christ makes everything we go through a little more bearable. A life in Christ and being a follower of Jesus Christ is what should brighten our life and put a smile on our face.
Paul said, “And the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Chirst Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)
Happy New year to everyone.