Inspiration can come from reflection

Inspiration often comes from reflection and memories of yesteryear. Now as I sit here and pen this piece, I find memories and reflections jumping to and fro, sometimes faster than an oldtimer’s mind can contain. And I think that follows God’s plan for mankind. 

Children are innocent and pure with clean thoughts and actions. But the anxieties of our world soon seep into their being and only a parent’s love can carry them through childhood. I realize there are those exceptions, but life is precarious for those poor souls. 

Love is the glue that holds each of us together from newborn babe, through life, and into geezerhood! 

The Bible tells us in Matthew 22: 36-39  “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”  And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 

God’s love is unconditional and infinite, more than even the best that people are capable of. Yet, if we attempt to follow God’s command, we find life holds greater riches through relationships. 

To be happy, you must love fully and truly, you may have little in material goods, but you will be happy if you love one another. By this love, you help others rise to higher levels, for you see, love is infectious and the source of greater healing energy 




They stood there, Man and wife, clinging together at the edge of life,

On the rim of the canyon with love in tow, gazing toward the valley below,

Eons of time their love has spanned.


Young they were when they were joined, with love phrases that they coined,

And yes, they had their lovers spat, healed their lives with mutual chat,

Held together with loves strand.


And soon the years had rambled by, tho often life would make them sigh,

Loving hearts helped them persevere, they asked the Lord to soothe their fear, 

For trials of life are never bland.


The places they have seen and known, the seeds of life they have sown,

The children that were showered with love, true gifts from God above,

All just as God had planned.


The early days when life was hard, filled with tough times they must discard,

For troubles often come and go, and love persists with ebb and flow,

As life extends constant demand.


Yet, life will throw its fiery darts, and do its best to break your hearts,

But love is strong and not so hard, if you hold fast and trust the Lord,

Just place your troubles in God’s Hand!


For doors will open and doors will close, a glint of promise fraught with woes,

And each of these they must fight, thru thick and thin and holding tight,

Until direction, they understand.


Though times are hard, you must not quit, God gives you stamina and grit,

And thru your faith, God keeps you strong, tho the evil dark may be long,

Satan’s power God will remand.


But in the mix, trouble will come, but to these, do not succumb,

Life carries on and brings you glee, God’s bigger picture lets you see,

One set of footprints in the sand. 

And middle years with children grown, and from the nest they each have flown,

To seek success in worlds anew, a way of life they must pursue,

Constantly seeking God’s command.


And then comes the light of your life, with shouts of glee loud as a fife,

 Sweet as the cooing of a dove, only a Grandparents true love, 

Quick to stop any reprimand.


The wonder of life with built in pride,  combines with a fun filled ride,

They meet their task with eyes aglow, but in time comes Cupid’s arrow,

Magical as in fairyland.


And one by one the years go by, the mem’rys often bring a sigh,

Reason enough to blink a tear, or crack a smile, ear to ear,

A glimpse of a life so grand.


So, take a breath and breathe awhile, and do the things that make you smile,

God gives to each our very own gift, that we might ply, making spirits lift,

Listening to the music of God’s band


You see, we now have run the race, our life on Earth by God’s own Grace,

Our life is written in God’s journal, a promise of life eternal,

The Lord helped us make our stand.


Mem’rys of the trails that they have trod, loving and living by the Grace of God.

They stood there, Man and wife, clinging together at the edge of life,

Just riding for the brand!

  ©   Ol’ Jim Cathey


Lord, Thank you for the simple things in life and the magnificent qualities  of love!

Don’t forget to join us at First Baptist Church Marlin!

God bless each of you and God Bless America! 

The Rosebud News

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Marlin, TX 76661
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