It isn’t the weight!
The story is told about a house-moving contractor in Minnesota who had a difficult job to accomplish.
The only time this paticular house could be moved would be during the hard winter months. He would have to move it over a frozen lake in order to get it to the owner’s preferred location.
He successfully moved the house about a half a mile out onto the frozen lake when he decided to stop for a moment to decide on the best landing place.
While he debated on what might be the best place to go ashore, the house began to sink in the lake. The ice at the place of the sinking was ten inches thick. It was more than strong enough to support the load while it was moving; but it couldn’t support the house’s dead weight when it wasn’t in motion.
Is there a lesson here for us? You bet there is!
As a Christian, we are to keep moving with our load. It just might be that if we stop to criticize, find fault, or just stop through indifference we might find ourselves starting to sink.
There are too many Christians who have stopped in their idleness and have gone down into the icy waters of indifference. It is never the weight of the load that breaks us down as we pull together. The problem is the wait! I am convinced that we already know the “best landing place” so we just need to keep moving along!
Larry Jackson-Minister