It's Our Job

Weekly Devotional

There was an organization that did a survey concerning generous habits of Americans. The results showed that the average American commits about five good deeds a month.

Some of the good deeds were little more than good manners like holding a door open for a stranger. Some required personal investment like carrying groceries home for someone or paying for a strangers meal.

It is so sad that it seems like today that we only hear bad things that people do and not enough of the good things. The good stories are all around us because there are good and kind people all around us.

Did you hear the story about the school bus driver from Copperas Cove, Texas that didn't want the children waiting in the tall weeds for the bus, so after work one day he took his lawn morer and mowed and cleaned up the abandoned property at the bus stop?

How about the 27 year old worker at a New York Taco Bell that writes inspirational quotes and messages on the receipts she provides? 

Or here is a good one. Did you hear about the man on a plane that found a lost wallet that contained an ID and a paycheck? This man added some of his own cash and anonymously mailed it back to the owner.

These, and many othere stories play out every day as people do the work commissioned from the Lord.

Paul writes in I Thessalonians 5:14-15--"Now we exhort you brethern , warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good both among yourselves and unto all men."

Daily kindness makes our lives run smoother.

When we perform a good deed for another, we are filled with a joyous warmth that reminds us that we are, at heart good people who want to do good things for others because that is what God would have us do.

The Rosebud News

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