
On the Back Porch

The month of May will soon be finished for 2020. The coronavirus has given our population a reason to slow many of our normal activities down, sometimes even to a halt. But life goes on and as enterprising Americans have always done, we find a way.

The Bible tells us, in John chapter 16, that we are not to fear, but rely on the strength of God. The chapter finishes with this verse. 

John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

So, in the words of my Granddad, Papa Hop, “The Good Lord gave mankind a will of their own, and He also gave us good sense  to know that if we match our will to the will of God, we will find that life is much smoother! God tells us that we are not to be fearful, but put our faith in Him as we live our life."

So, as we use our good sense to keep ourselves and others safe during this trying time, we must continue to live our lives in a manner that shows respect and gratitude to others and to our God.

As a result, we may not have a chance this year to congregate together in memory of and to give honor to the gallant military heroes that sacrificed their lives that we might enjoy the freedoms that we hold dear. 

On  Memorial Day, we take a moment to honor the men and women that gave their lives in the defense of our Country and I thank the Good Lord that we are still a free nation and  we can stand tall and  proud as we honor those men and  women that have given their all so that we might have the opportunity to salute Old Glory, our symbol of freedom and  that we can have the opportunity to give thanks  to our God, who allows the United States of America to remain a free and democratic country.

Yes, I realize that there are those that endeavor to alter that course through civil and political means, but we have the ability to do our part, because we can have our say through our right to VOTE! 

 Okay, I need to get off of my soap box an’ give you some history about Memorial Day.

On May 5, 1868, a group of Union Veterans calling themselves “The Grand Army of the Republic” set aside a day to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers. Maj.Gen. John A. Logan determined that the date for the observance would be May 30th. This date was possibly chosen because flowers would be blooming in abundance. 

Even before this official mandate, there had been many local instances of citizens honoring the war dead, both Union and Confederate.

In fact, the Athenian leader, Pericles, offered a tribute to the fallen heroes of Peloponnesian War over 24 centuries ago, stating “There dwells an unwritten memorial to them, graven not in stone but in the hearts of men.”

History shows that by the end of the 19th century, Memorial Day ceremonies were being held on May 30 throughout the nation. State legislatures passed proclamations designating the day, and the Army and Navy adopted regulations for proper observance at their facilities.

Shortly after the end of World War I, the ceremonies began to honor those lives lost in all American wars. Memorial Day, which is sometimes still called Decoration Day was declared a national holiday by an act of congress in 1971.

In December 2000, the U.S. Congress passed “The National Moment of Remembrance Act.” This would ensure the sacrifices of America’s fallen heroes are never forgotten.

The National Moment of Remembrance encourages all Americans to pause wherever they are at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day for a minute of silence to remember and honor those who have died in service to the nation.  The National Memorial Day holiday, originally known as 'Decoration Day' was first observed on May 30, 1868.  

As Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. said in his Memorial Day address in 1884, “Memorial Day 'celebrates and solemnly reaffirms from year to year a national act of enthusiasm and faith.”

With changing times, Memorial Day is more celebrated as a holiday than the glum occasion it was meant for. We must remember that the day means to honor America's defense personnel who lost their lives in various wars.

I am proud and thankful for all of those that gave their lives for our freedoms!

This is a poem I wrote to commemorate Memorial Day and to honor those who gave their all.


The old gent sat there in the shade,

his eyes misted, as memories

marched past him in a grand parade,

with their sad faces an’ silent pleas.


Faces from a long time ago

when they were all young an’ carefree.

But soon their way of life would slow

an’ bring a change in destiny.


The drums of war began to sound,

bringin’ veiled threat of freedom dear.

Brave young lives all stood their ground

an’ faced tyranny without fear.


Their love of God, Country, an’ Flag

gave them strength to stay the course.

 Reputations were fact, not brag,

but faith in God would be their source.


The horrible toll brought by war

manifested its ugly head.

Many brave young lives closed that door

an’ on the battlefield lay dead.


But all was not in vain that day,

‘cuz victory would be their claim. 

An’ sacrifice would have its say

as brightly burned sweet freedom’s flame.


Then a smile came, as he blinked a tear,

while Old Glory fluttered through.

He stood, saluted, an’ gave a cheer

for comrade an’ freedom so true.


God Bless each of you and God Bless America!

The Rosebud News

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