Thanksgiving Day or turkey Day

The late comedian Milton Berle once said, “We had a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner and he sat on my right.” Millions of turkeys will be consumed today by millions of Americans. But in some cases the Thanksgiving turkey sitting in the middle of the table will be surrounded by one or more thankless “turkeys” sitting around the table! While millions of families will bow their heads and thank God for blessings both large and small, material and spiritual, millions more will enjoy a feast fit for a king without so much as a thankful thought.

An old farmer went into a restaurant one day and ordered a meal. When the waitress brought his food, he bowed his head and gave thanks for the food that God had given him. Three teenage boys decided to have some fun at the farmers expense. With a sneer and a laugh, they asked, “Does everybody do that where you come from?” “No they don’t,” the farmer answered, “The pigs just jump in!”

In the Bible, we find that God frowns upon ingratitude and unthankfullness. The Apostle Paul writes, “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 5:20) This country has set aside this special day in November to give thanks to our Creator for all we have and enjoy. But we know that instead of being thankful just one day out of the year we should be thankful every day. We need to be thanful before ingratitude makes a turkey out of us. Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one.


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