Thoughts on how our country has changed

The day had come to its end, and I found my chair and reared back as I clicked the television on so I could catch up on the happenings of the day. Then I watched a news cast that was filled with chaos, misery, people doing the unthinkable, and absolutely nothing uplifting! 

My thoughts went to how our country has changed thru my lifespan. Today, a man is not safe in his own home, according to the reports of crimes of burglary and home invasions. Your telephone rings and you dare not answer if you do not recognize the caller, because someone is worried about your car warranty expiring and so many other invasive subjects. And sprinkled into that mix are outright predator calls that are constantly trying to exploit the unsuspecting and gullible public. 

We have not even mentioned the computers that are at risk from similar situations and many of us are not savvy enough to recognize a threat until they have control. Is there a way to get relief from all of this? Maybe not, because things have gotten pretty well out of control. We can elect people that will be tough on crime, but they can only do so much. 

My Mom would have said, “Take it to the Lord in prayer,” My young bride Stella and I try to follow her lead with a daily prayer time, which I call, “talkin’ to the Boss.”  It’s a good way to start your day, but you will find ample opportunity to quit!  It’s tough to just “keep on keeping on.” Some folks say having “will power” helps. Fact is, your day and your life will have a chance to be smoother if you develop the habit of talking things over with the Good Lord. 

His guiding hand will steer you up that long narrow and crooked pathway while protecting you from the pitfalls and snares that clog your trip. But, be prepared to be surprised when you reach your goal…because sometimes His answer to prayer goes in a direction that you did not anticipate. Yet, you will probably reap greater rewards than you dreamed possible. 

My Ol’ Daddy always said, “The feller that seeks good advice an’ then asks the Lord to verify it, can pert near always be proud of the fruits of his labor.” And he was also known to say, “God expects you to take action concerning what you just asked for.” 

Another words, if you have asked the Lord to help you catch that runaway critter, you had best start swinging your loop. You see, God will open that door, but you have to take the first step! What action can help us remedy today’s situation? 

Be knowledgeable when you go to the polling place to cast your vote. Know which candidate will be a good pardner in your quest to fix a situation. Our forefathers founded this country on biblical principles. It’s founding was deeply shaped by Christian moral truths These founding fathers had strong moral and spiritual convictions which helped form the foundations of our nation and our government. 

Patrick Henry, one of the ratifiers of the United States Constitution said, “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.” 

Put yourself in a supportive roll that will help you reach the solution that is in line with your values. Be thankful in all things. After all, we live in the best part of our great state of Texas! And, we have been blessed to live in our top choice of locations in this grand country of The United States of America.  

At least, I sure can’t think of anybody I would want to swap with. This poem seems to grasp what I have been rambling on about.


Talkin’ to the Boss


He starts most mornin’s out on the crest of that hill,

just a sittin’ proud on that big bay hoss

whilst he was a sortin’ out the plan for the day,

with wisdom an’other words from the Boss. 


Near as I kin figger, a feller needs a guide

that can give ‘em an idea where to head.

‘Cuz most any hombre needs to foller the path

 an’ shore ‘nuff not head the wrong way instead.


Life just ain’t easy, no matter what trail you pick.

An’ any feller without sound advice

stands a chanct of gittin’ bogged down with all the fuss.

Keep in mind, you seldom git to look twice.


So, he will sit quite, listen, an’ ponder on things.  

I bet he’ll find a way to figger it out,

if he holds the Bosses course, not snatch back the reins

for what seems to be an easier route.


When you ask  the Boss to put a hand on yore reins,

as you drift down life’s path toward the bend,

an’ if you’ll just allow Him to guide yore way,

He’ll see you safe an’ true ‘til you’ve reached trail’s end. 


As you take life’s journey, do the best that you can

Watch out for dangers that’ll spook yore hoss

just look for sign an’ be ready to make a stand.

Which ain’t that tough if yore “talkin’ to the Boss.”

 © Ol’ Jim Cathey 


Phrase of the week: “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence The phrase gives three examples of the unalienable rights which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their Creator, and which governments are created to protect.

God bless each of you and God Bless America!






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