Try a little kindness
Several years back, Glen Campell had a catchy song that suggested, “try a little kindness, then you’ll overlook the blindness of a narrow minded people on the narrow minded streets.”
We would all agree that our world needs more kindness. Kindness is the product of our love for others.
The Apostle Paul writes, “And be ye kind one to another.” (Ephesians 4:32).
But when we look around, we see hatred everywhere. We see it as we walk the streets of our cities, we read it in our emails and other sources of communication and it even bubbles out in our political arenas.
In our day to day dealings with others, we need kindness. The world needs the loving kindness of God to show in our lives. Every day in the news we hear of people who are unkind to their fellow man.
But every day there are those who go out of their way to show love and kindness to someone who is not in a position to help themselves.
Our words and actions must be seasoned with the wisdom of kindness.
In I Corinthians 13:4, Paul writes, “Love is kind.”
Paul also listed kindness as one of the qualities a new Christian should “put on.” (Colossians 3:14)
Christians should be the ones who are more prone to be kind; and in my experience, they are! If your life has not been marked by kindness, try it - I think you will like it.