What to you call an unofficial holiday?

What do you call a holiday that is not an official holiday? 

It occurs on April the 1st and is appropriately called, “All Fools Day.” That’s right, it is not an officially recognized holiday. Yet, we all do or have celebrated April Fools Day by either playing a harmless prank on someone or being the recipient of a prank played on us. As you would expect, this practice of pulling “harmless jokes” on unsuspecting subjects is often viewed as controversial. 

For instance, some will claim that these “harmless jokes” can have a positive effect as they bring about laughter and laughter is considered good for your health. 

Years ago, radio personality, Art Linkletter , claimed that, “Laughter is the best medicine!” And we all know that laughter can be a great stress reliever, which in today’s turmoil can be a real plus. 

However, when jokes go overboard, they tend to sometimes be rude, weird, misinterpreted, and even dangerous. But if folks will consider the situation and have a compassionate spirit, they will probably find April Fools Day to be a fun and enjoyable experience. Yet sometimes the shoe fits on the other foot and one might find that you are the recipient of the prank instead of the prankster! When that happens, you need to be able to accept the laugh on yourself just as you expect others to be receptive when you are the prankster. 

My mother’s only April Fools Prank was to put a cotton ball in one or two of her homemade biscuits and she made sure that Dad got one of them. 

My young bride Stella went a step farther and put blue food coloring in her homemade biscuits, which resulted in making them look like they were covered with mold. Not one of us could eat them! I am sure that each of you have a favorite April Fools memories and I hope that you get a chuckle from those memories.       

When this old timer was just a button, Buggies and Model T Fords got a lot of attention, as they were often the object that a group would chose to disassemble to a point they could easily be handled and then reassemble them in a most inappropriate place such as the roof of a building or some other precarious spot. All of our school marms were fair game. One of the more popular pranks was to place a live lizard or even a small Garter Snake in their desk drawer so it could pop out as they started class. Or at the very least, leave a note on her desk with the message to call this number. The message would say, “We have a box just for you.” 

Of course, the phone number would be for the local funeral home. And turning over outhouses, well it just seemed the thing to do. Legend has it that my own young bride Stella’s Mother was a participant in an outhouse escapade that resulted in said outhouse getting tumped over to lie majestically on its side in all its splendor and glory. By now, you have probably realized that this was a step back in time when there were no cell phones and very few TVs. Fun was born of creation, imagination, and a love of laughter. Yes, sometimes things got out of hand. Breathe!


Silly Question

The calendar read, April the first.

An’ we all knew to beware,

‘Cuz folk would show their best an’ their worst,

While doing their best to snare,


Now, western folk in the days of old,

Sought fun where it could be found,

Quick to be on top when tales were told,

Always trying to astound.


An’ let me tell you, they could be quick,

Whether it be April Fool joke,

Or just someone tryin’ to be slick,

With a question to provoke.


City folk picked on the western rube,

Pranksters came from all around,

Thinkin’ they weren’t the brightest flashcube,

This is where fun would be found.


Like for instance that bloke just passin’ through,

With his ”I know it all grin.”

He was smug, figgerin’ to pull a coup,

Come outta this with a win!


This traveler paused at the hog tight gate,

of the Quarter Circle C,

shadows were long, the day gettin’ late,

he rode up an’ said  “Howdy.” 


I bade him get down, said c’mon in,

we’ll put the coffee to hot,

he sat there, with a bit of a grin,

said he’d move on like as not.


But they was somthin’ he’d like to know,

“Had I lived here all my life?”

Well. I looks him up an’ down for show,

an’ throws a wink at my wife.


See, I’d seen fellers like this before,

an’ they’d  come again I bet,

Mister, I’ll tell you one thing for certain shore…

“Lived here all my life?” No Sir!…NOT YET!


I won’t forget the look on his face,

He squirmed an’ wiggled a bit,

Shore ‘nuff beat an’ wallered in disgrace,

He’d fell short, he must admit.


But they told ‘em, he had faced the best,

So ride on without a say,

But beware of fellers in the west,

When it comes to April Fools Day!

© Ol’ Jim Cathey  


Have you heard that gasoline prices will be plummenting?

(That’s an April fuels joke!)

Relax and have a little fun!  God Bless each of you and God Bless America!


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